Costs for each item printed
Product | Fee | Retail | Profit | % |
Surname History | 3.00 | 14.95 | 11.95 | 80% |
Armorial History | 3.00 | 24.95 | 21.95 | 85% |
Coat of Arms Print | 3.00 | 24.95 | 21.95 | 85% |
Coat of Arms (Other) | 1-3.00 | |||
Scottish Clan History | 3.00 | 24.95 | 21.95 | 85% |
Irish Sept History | 3.00 | 24.95 | 21.95 | 85% |
First Name Print | 1.00 | 6.95 | 5.95 | 85% |
*Based on our Ultimate Edition Package, profits are gross figures – no allowance has been made for other costs such as staff, location rent etc.
Last Revised May 23, 2018
This statement discloses how we collect and disseminate personal information. Swyrich Corporation ("Swyrich") the owner of,,,,,, and has created this privacy policy statement to demonstrate our strong commitment to protecting your privacy.
INFORMATION COLLECTIONWe collect information so that we can provide the best possible experience when you utilize our services When you use one of our web sites, we do not automatically collect any personal information about you. Our sites do not collect any demographic information.
If you contact us we require, as a minimum, your name and email address so that we may contact you. Additional information (optional) may be provided by you so as to further describe your request.
Cookies and similar technologies on our websites allow us to track your browsing behavior, links clicked, items purchased, your device type, and to collect various data, including analytics, about how you use and interact with our services. We do track server data/http data (such as IP address, browser type, referring web site address, domain name, access times, and pages accessed on the site). This data is collected so as to help us diagnose problems with our servers, to monitor and maintain server operations, and to analyze trends. This information is not linked to any personal information that you may provide when contacting us, or ordering from us.
INFORMATION USAGEIf you provide us your personal information, we use it only to process your order and communicate with you regarding your order, enquiry or request.
Personal information may be disclosed, however, in good faith and if we believe it is appropriate or necessary, to conform to law, to comply with legal processes served on Swyrich or our web sites, to protect and defend the rights or property of Swyrich and our sites, and to act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety or rights of Swyrich employees, users of products or services, or users of our sites.
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INFORMATION CONTROLShould we collect personal information from you, you may request that the information be updated or deleted upon confirmation that you are the owner of the information in question.
In the event that we have collected personal information from you, we will not sell, give, share, rent, or trade your personal information with any person, except we may disclose or share your personal information in limited circumstances as set forth in this statement.
We may share your personal information with third parties (such as credit card companies and courier companies) in order to process your order and in order to provide services to us to support our services to you (such as data hosting services). Within Swyrich, personal information is used for the limited purposes stated herein.
We do not allow other companies to use your personal information to offer you products or services, unless you opt-in to receive such notifications.
We may share your personal information in connection with or during negotiation of any merger, financing, acquisition or dissolution transaction or proceeding involving the sale, transfer, divestiture, or disclosure of all or a portion of our business or assets. In the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership, personal information may also be transferred as a business asset. If another company acquires our company, business or assets, that company will possess the personal information collected by us and will assume the rights and obligations regarding your personal information as described in this statement.
INFORMATION ACCESSIt is our policy that employees of Swyrich do not have access to personal information, except at the time of order processing or otherwise in connection with the usage described in this statement, or by the Data Base Administrator via secure access. Administrator access would be necessary to address data base maintenance issues, only.
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CERTIFICATIONSwyrich subscribes to, and or follows the recommendations of the following organizations: BBBonline (Better Business Bureau, On-line Reliability), ICRA (Internet Content Rating Association), and the Privacy Commission of Canada. This site's privacy policy is not audited by a third party, at this time.
CONTACT INFORMATION AND QUESTIONSIf you have questions or comments regarding this statement, please first contact Swyrich by email, phone or fax, and allow for two business days for our follow up acknowledgement. You may also contact us by mail but please allow up to 30 days for a response. Our contact information is:
The OPCC investigates privacy complaints under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act of Canada. The OPPC may be contacted at:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of CanadaThis privacy statement may be changed on occasion. When changed, the 'Last Revised' date stamp at the top of this statement will change. For significant changes to this statement, Swyrich will place a prominent notice on this statement. We encourage you to frequently check this statement for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this statement periodically and become aware of modifications.
Hall of Names™ is a wholly owned software licensing package developed by Swyrich Corporation. Dave Richardson, co-founder of Hall of Names in 1988, continues with Swyrich Corporation to coordinate research, product development and new markets. Since 1990, Swyrich Corporation has called Kingston, Ontario its home.
Hall of Names™ and La Maison des Noms™ are registered trademarks of Swyrich Corporation.
The Hall of Names has been bringing to light the history of surnames from around the world since 1971. In that year, David Richardson and his family began the laborious task of manually cataloguing their research about different surnames. The result of that work was a display of pre-printed surname histories of about 144 Scottish families and their Septs in 1972. Today, the extensive library of surname histories and related products that has grown from this initial research is available to consumers in the form of high-quality computer generated parchment scrolls. Our products can be purchased from our licensed operators, by mail from our head office in Kingston, Ontario.
Ever since our early beginnings we have been tirelessly researching the world’s most popular surnames. Our research has expanded rapidly, and now includes the rest of the British Isles and Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Russia, the Ukraine, with more nationalities available soon. By 1986, we had amassed histories for over 25,000 surnames. Accurate texts and registers from all over the world have been collected to make up the source library, and professional historians research from these sources at our Canadian Headquarters in Kingston, Ontario. To effectively handle such a large holding of surnames, we developed the world’s first computerized on-site retrieval system in 1987. Each history could then be printed on parchment within minutes, using a dot matrix or daisy-wheel printer. Retrieval was in seconds, but in those days the fastest printers only printed at 45 characters per second (CPS). We have continually upgraded our operating system, which is now Windows-based and quite easy to use.
The system supports just about any kind of printer, offering color and an unlimited selection of fonts! Today, our Hall of Names licensees have access to a full range of Swyrich-produced products, including Surname histories, Armorial histories, Scottish Clan Histories, First Name Scrolls, and on-site Coats of Arms. The products are packaged in our Hall of Names software, now a two-CD package. Our licensees offer our exclusive products from a variety of locations. In Britain, our Parchment Scroll histories have been sold in Westminster Abbey, Sherwood Forest, The British Royal Museum, Harrods, Debenhams, Selfridges, Blarney Woolen Mills, Jenner’s, York Minister Cathedral and fifty or so other prestigious locations.
In North America, we have had licensed outlets marketing our products at such locations as DisneyWorld, Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Notre Dame University, The Queen Mary, Upper Canada Village and many more. Department stores have had our displays including: Sears Roebuck, Sears Canada, Eaton’s, The Bay, and many more. Our clients and patrons include: Prime Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, Clan Societies, judges, archbishops, professionals, entertainers and many leading historians and genealogists. Authenticity is our namesake with research continuing all the time. We feel we offer the largest, most accurate, and most appealing line of products of this kind. Our graphic images are carefully researched and crafted, and the quality and authenticity of our histories is guaranteed. We have a commitment to quality and service that our licensees appreciate!
Home | About Us | Privacy Policy
© 1997 - 2025 Swyrich Corporation (, All Rights Reserved
633 Norris Crt, Units 1 & 2, Kingston, ON, K7P 2R9, Canada
Hall of Names™ and La Maison des Noms™ are registered trademarks of Swyrich Corporation.
Whichever you choose, 11x17 or A3, the product prints seamlessly allowing you to source paper locally and not fight with regional print drivers.
We suggest you use a paper called AstroParch, (that's what we use) but at times people have found that local suppliers cannot source this product.
The goal here is to source an "aged look" paper at a reasonable price that comfortably prints images clearly from an ink jet printer. We do not recommend photo quality paper as the printer typically takes too long to print the product.
Only accurate texts and registers from all over the world have been collected to make up the source library. Now, professional historians, many accredited in their field, research from these sources at our Canadian headquarters in Kingston, Ontario.
Our clients and patrons include: Prime Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, Clan Societies, judges, archbishops, professionals, entertainers and many leading historians and genealogists authenticity is our namesake with research continuing all the time.
Our research is done at our head office in Canada and focuses on the major ethnic backgrounds, more nationalities are covered as our database of surnames continues to expand.
By example, during 2016, we:
Yet another exclusive feature with Hall of Names, to our knowledge no one else offers their research information. This is what helps show our and your customers the authenticity of the research done here in Canada. Because the research is so unique and specialized, people often ask “Where did you get all this stuff?” The bibliography on the backside hints at the depth of research involved with every product we sell.
Many people believe is the strongest benefit of our product. Simply stated, our bibliography is a list of the credible reference materials used in the histories and is an excellent source for customers to do more research.
No! Not all the references are listed that would take many, many pages to properly show, but as we have always explained to our customers, these are some of the more important sources we use. This bibliography is included in our software, we urge all our licensees to print all their Tabloid, 11×17 and A3 paper with our bibliography on the reverse as we want our customers to feel confident in our research.
We are the only company providing such information, perhaps because our histories are so authentic.
This product typically show a country specific watermark for the origin of any given name
By example: Welsh dragon for Welsh names; Map of Scotland or the Scottish Lion for Scottish names and so on.
However, you may use your own custom watermark(s) for say, your site’s location or historic site.
Customers can even choose their own watermark! For example, if your customer is from another country that just happens to be visiting the area, put their country’s watermark on their print.
Customers typically prefer to see local notables, settlers and content in their Armorial product. Thanks to the fact that we have so much data in our dbase, you can customize your print to include local content first, followed by other country’s.
One of the best examples is our extensive Australian dbase with over 60,000 settlers making each print unique to them.
We typically add an imprinted gold seal and ribbon to this product. This feature adds a personal touch to the products and “seals” the authenticity.
No time to put a seal on? Add you own custom image or use one of our stock images provided in our software.
Repeat orders are essential to good sales, want your own toll-free number, email address or web site included at the bottom of each product printed?
No problem, this has that ability built in option that takes seconds to set up, we even prompt you upon your first installation.